Friday, October 05, 2007

If I'm not your everything

So today is the third day in a row that I've gone to Geylang.
Finally got my original Ungu CD.
:) :) :) :) :)
Been listening to the whole list all day.
Ungu-ing is such love although it breaks my heart sometimes.
Still, it's good at times like this when shit happens.

Not all wounds are superficial.
Most wounds run deeper than we can imagine.
You can't see them with the naked eye.
And then there are wounds that take us by surprise.
The trick to any wound or disease is to dig down deep and find the real source of the injury.
And once you've found it...try like hell to heal that sucker.
- Grey's Anatomy, Where the Boys Are

So now I'm merely a nothing to you?
Just a blank space that now fills your slate.
Hmm. Go figure.
I should have known better.

Please. stop chasing me.
Unless you're ready to catch me.

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