Thursday, May 01, 2008

And because there's you

And finally, I'm actually typing in this box instead of just leaving it empty while I try to think of how exactly to best phrase the incoherent nonsense in my brain.
The last few days have been good.
I would say that the week, so far, has been an interesting contradiction of paradigms.
I'll just skip Monday cos you would probably have gathered from the previous post, that it didn't go down all too well.
Tuesday was a real "let's-all-test-fi's-patience-and-see-how-long-it-takes-before-she-snaps" day.
It started off a little offbalanced cos of the previous day and because Nad and Khai had bowling. (hey, I'm perfectly entitled to miss them)
It ended off significantly worse, with me fuming and being that close to actually losing my temper at certain people.
I swear that profanities (which I try valiantly not to use around my classmates) , were just waiting to burst from my mouth in this whole torrent/mantra, what have you.
Granted, a few did slip out when 3 of us were taking the lit test and decided to sacrifice a good 30 minutes or so, just discussing the whole shit situation.
(thus resulting in me writing a shit essay that will no doubt grant me a well deserved fail)
Anyway, since it has already passed and since Ying is now my idol and role model for such situations similar to this one, I am just going to shut up and not comment about it at all.
Wednesday was great because of Sports Evening.
It started of not so great though because the sun was out and it was really really hot and the architect who designed the school actually had the brilliance of mind to position the grandstand in the direct glare of the sun. seriously.
And somehow, I and my friends got roped in to become the cheering captains cos all the captains were in the cheerleading squad.
All of us screamed ourselves hoarse and it did not help at all that Taurus was flailing like a dead bull and we couldn't even get them to move their asses to cheer and what not.
But after khai's pep talk and more screaming on our part, Taurus got out act together and we delivered and emerged overall champion of the Sports Meet. :)
Victory was sweet and losing my voice that night was every bit worth it.
And it was nice, singing belting out the school song at the top of our lungs to end the whole event. haha.
I'll never forget how everyone simultaneously "reached for the stars". -_-

The fact that Taurus won, brought me back to remembering the good old days in TK.
I concluded that victory back then was so much sweeter because for one, we didn't have a house system and it was every class for itself.
And of course, being an all girls school, the victory(and losses) felt and meant so much more.
I think the best year is my Sec 2 year when 2e3 triumphed over a lot of odds to win both the cheerleading and dance competition.
I remember how the PA system screwed up both times and how the tears and hugs just came so naturally after we won. :)
Those were really the times.

And because you've made my day so many times, cinta,
thank you and I love you.

Because with you, it's never about the said things, but it's more of the unsaid things that I never have to say because you know and because you understand.
Because with you, time is immaterial.
Because with you, laughter and smiles come easy, and memories are an everyday occurence.
Because with you, the future and the rough times are not as scary and I have that faith because you believe in me.
Because with you, laughter is the best medicine, the night is still young, the unexpected is expected and silence is golden.
Because with you, if I ever lose you to time, it will kill me and break me apart.
And because with you, no matter how many words I say to express it all, no amount of words will ever be enough, and it doesn't matter cos we both know it all by heart anyway.
I love you a lot a lot okay, cinta.
And because there's you, I'm happy. :)
Until the end of forever and even longer k. heh.

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