Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Living for the moment

I really should be asleep right now cos I'm supposed to go to school tomorrow.
Oh well.
I watched ayat-ayat cinta with dilah and her mum. :)
Nice show but I didn't cry though.
Probably cause I was watching it with her.

I was battle-ing today.
They're so cute. such dorks. haha.
And because I have nothing better to do, I'll just post my favourite member from Super Junior, Battle and DBSK.
I'm still quite undecided about BB.

Of course, the king of fishes is the top of my list. :)
I'm not going to comment on any pictures cos I think he doesn't need description. haha.

Next is Jin Taehwa from battle!
He has charm and I really really love his voice. :)

His new look for their album! He looks so different.
Mature and suave and handsome.
I'm loving it. :)

He reminds me of teukie somehow. hmm..

And lastly, Micky Park Yoochun from DBSK.
I'm in love with his smile and it makes my day. :)

So yeah, that's about it.
I'm going off to sleep now.
Night world.

Someone just enlightened me to what caused you to do the things you did.
You fell in love with me.
And then, you simply just fell out of love with me.
I'm wondering why I never saw it quite so simply put before.

I'm just going to go with the flow because I don't know where this will lead.
I'm not going to allow myself to forsee the future or anything of that sort.
I'm just going to live for the moment.
And thank you for making me smile. :)

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