Saturday, May 24, 2008

Smiles :)

This is going to be a really short one because I'm extremely sleepy and I need to be up early to study more GP.
The week's been okay. Shan't go into details.
Although I think it's only now that I realise I've made some improvements in terms of my essay writing skills and all that.
My evaluation is getting better and hopefully, I'll be able to do a decent job in the A's.

Latest news: SM entertainment just released a new group called SHINee.
I really have mixed feelings about them due to a number of reasons;
1) they're really too young. the oldest is only 18 and the youngest is freaking 14. -_- Thus, I feel kinda old liking them..Like pedophilia or something. I mean the DBSK, Suju, Big Bang and Battle boys are different. hmm
2) They're like a girly version of Big Bang. Especially in terms of style and all that. That's totally wrong cos Big Bang is waaaayy better and are their own entity.
3) They remind me of the first time I saw Kim Heechul. I can't tell if they're boys or girls cos they look so androgynous . Worse still, they look so feminine that they don't even need long hair to pull it off. -_-
4) Even their group name sounds girly. SHINee. as in shiny. as in reminds me of barbie dolls and shimmy shimmy glitter lip gloss.
5) It doesn't help that their first single is a song about noonas who are so pretty. Noonas refers to older girls and I feel a little bit insulted that they're reinforcing the fact that I'm way older than half of them. -_-
6) Still, must admit that the song is pretty decently catchy. though nowhere as near as Big Bang's. (I love them! :) I'm leaning between GD and Younbae and Seungri..hmm..) and the lead singer is pretty good too.
7) And I must almost admit that their dance moves are sleek and smooth and a pleasure to watch.
8) And okay, they sounded good live in their first stage performance which is rare feat for SM artists that are just debuting.
9) Still, they are definitely too young!
10) And still girly-ish and taking the whole gay vibe thing a bit too far. Or maybe they just can't pull it off like their sunbaes. -_-
11) They are nowhere near DBSK and Suju. And definitely not Big Bang.
So, we'll just have to see how they turn out..hmm.

I miss Battle. Thank god their comeback is real soon cos I miss Jin Tae Hwa's voice.
Although its kinda sad that kihyun won't be in the group anymore cos he wants to pursue acting. :(
And I miss super junior 13 too..Arrghhh...the super show live album is out already and I so badly want to get it! damn that I'm broke.
Anyone with an extremely kind heart, get it for me please? for an advance b'dae present maybe?? *hint*hint*nudge*nudge* If you do, I'll love you forever and ever. :)

I just reread this and I'm just wondering how the hell did I get to this stage in 6 months?
Kpop is too overpowering. haha.
Or maybe, it's all just sue's fault. :)

You can be my prozac because you make me smile.

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