Sunday, July 24, 2005

For a lost soul i know...

Its almost 1.40 n i'm dead tired n sleepy bt since i haf jus gt enlightened a few hrs ago, thot i'd blog dis 1st b4 i drift off to lala land or sth...jus bear in mind dis entry is 4 a lost soul i noe...

[For the lost soul out there...]

I knew u since young. we played together, had fun. Ate at the same table, yet, u of all ppl. i'd never thot u'd turn out dis way bt u did. sumhow. i tink i might b missing sth here. i dunno n absolutely haf no idea wat exactly went wrong. u were such a nice boy. fun. full of laughs n crazy ideas. full of jokes especially lame ones. I've always enjoyed the games we used 2 play. Do u still remember? How we crashed our someone's room? jumped on e bed, rockin 2 avril's sk8er boi. Remember all e silly games we play? back wen we were reali small? u made us all reenact e jap occupation. u said we had 2 b realistic so we took sacks n laid soil all over corridor so it'd luk like real forts....remember? n e elders were so mad at we didn't care cos we had fun. back den, everyting seemed so now?

admit it. u've changed. i feel as though i dun noe u animore. dat u've become an alien 2 me. Now i dun noe which side of u is toking. i can nvr tell. dere's always sth abt u i nvr knew. stuff i didn't think u'd ever do. mayb its cos ur trying 2 find out hu u reali r. i dunno. mayb.

bt u noe, thru it all, did u ever stop 2 think abt wat ur doin? abt ur parents mayb? did u ever? i haf a feeling u didnt. u jus plunged in2 it. luk at e mess ur in nw. living ur life in regret? is dat reali wat u wan? i still dun get it. how can u be so reckless? so naive. did u reali did it out of love or lust? i sumhow tink it was e latter...wat haf u gotten urself in2? u didnt even use protection...wat if sth had happened? if u werent careful enuff? n wat abt u in a gang? do u noe wat ur doin? ur reali lucky it was onli a chair u noe...wat if it was a parang or sth? den wat? u might nt even b here ryt nw if it reali was...n a tatto? lucky u got a small one. den u dug it out. wat e hell were u tinking? might as well dun get 1 in e 1st place ryt. seve urself all e trouble n pain...sumhow, at dis point, i reali dun noe wat 2 say 2 u animore.i guess if dats e way u wan 2 live ur life, den so be it. i'm nt saying i approve of u doin all dis, wastin ur life away and all. i mean wat kind of job r u going 2 have? bt it reali is up 2 u. its ur choice n if dis is wat u reali wan, i have no say do i? I'm jus hoping dat 1 day, u'll cum bak. cos i noe e same sweet caring boy dat i once knew is still hidden sumwhere underneath ur facade, lurking jus beneath e surface...

"Life is like a bicycle. To keep your balance, you have to keep moving."