Monday, July 25, 2005

indecisive or just confused???

Its almost 12 and i'm still religiously studying BIO!!wohoo...peristalsis.digestion.nutrition.yeah...
all dat... am a lil HIGH bt brain's damn worked out...tired...wanna slp...but no. MUST study...Ms T shld b proud tau. Aniwei, Shan's on the radio! yay! LURVE his voice! So nice...lyk gd nyt lullaby...

Aniwaez, sch was 3 free periods after recess cos Ms L didnt cum, el as usual is slack n so's malay...i love makay n eng...basically do after sch, me, omi, jack n nikki went to eat lunch..We were supposed 2 decide whether we wanted 2 go hm or in whether we wanted 2 study at hm alone or sumwhere else, being the indecisive ppl we r, we took quite sum tym 2 decide. in e end, me gettin tired of milling ard waiting for a solution 2 meterialize frm thin air, decided 2 go hm..jack decided e same thing so in e end, we all went hm...

i ws jus tinking abt it, imagine all e stuff we can accomplish wif all e tym we spent on tryin 2 decide on sth agreeble wif every1..(dat makes abt 6 of us, wif nini n mira la...more if others r dere 2..) i remember dat tym, e spent almost HALF OF 60 MINS to decide wat we wanted 2 wait, mayb it was more. u c, we went 2 swenson's wof e intention 2 eat of course. so went we gt dere, we luk at e menu n cldnt decide wat exactly to eat. dessert or lunch? lunch or dessert? e waiter kept askin whether we were ready 2 order. i tink she asked almos 3 of course we weren't we flipped a coin 2 decide n e answer was lunch, BUT, dere was another teeny prob. wat exactly 2 eat. fish n chips?pasta?baked rice? *sigh* i tink i shld warn all our frens 2 nvr go out wif us all unless ur prepared 2 wait a long tym 4 decidsions n all dat tingy...u c, everytym sum1 poses the question "what r u gonna eat ah?", we generally change our minds e half an hour, we took 2 order, i tink i changed my food choice abt 3 or 4 e end, i ended up getting e dish i had wanted 2 get at e veri start...i noe...waste of tym n also doesnt help dat ALL of us r veri indecisive ryt...nt our fault our brain configuration is programmed dat way ryt? so i still havent figured out yet...r we jus indecisive or plain confused? i noe! confuzzled!

To you [you noe hu u r] : Stop sick of playing ur game...dun even tink abt tryin 2 sway me animore. wont work...jus leave me be alryt? i made a choice n jus cos ur nt in it, u dun have 2 freakin force ur way in2 it...jus stop n leave me alone...its fated alryt? get dat in2 ur head.

~ Look at the stars
Look how they shine for you
And all the things you do
Yeah,they were all yellow ~

DoUbLe ShOt EsPrEsSo WiTh A tWisT oF lEmOn...
"A ship in harbour is safe but that's not what ships are built for..."