Friday, July 22, 2005

For you...

pretend. Y do we all lyk 2 pretend? Y do we prefer 2 hide behind a mask, using it 2 shield ourselves? R we jus scared of wat ppl will tink of e real us? I tink so. we're scared of wat ppl will say, of wat dey'll tink. yet, y do we let em affect us lyk dat. y do we let their words hurt us, get 2 us, get under our skin? it doesnt make sense 2 me. we pretend n hide ourselves cos we're scared of wat ppl will tink or say abt us.

bt wat does it matter anyway wat ppl will tink abt us? wat actuali matters is wat WE tink abt us. dun u tink so? heck all e ppl sayin stupid nonsensical nonsense cos dey're nt us so dey won't understand. So dun b afraid 2 show hu u reali r. its better den living a life full of lies n deception and fake illusions anway.sumtyms, even if it's onli 4 a second, we shld all drop e pretence n reach out for sum1. I'm nt saying it will b easy. it takes quite an amt of courage 2 do so bt if u do, u'll feel much better. Dey myt nt b able 2 fully erase away all e pain n hurt ur feeling bt dey cn help ease it a bit so its much more bearable n less painful 4 u. dun u wan dat? wats e use of u suffering in silence aniwei? ur onli torturing n hurting urself more....ur soul needs feeding n nurturing 2 u noe...dats wat i realised. we all always fail 2 take care of our soul properly until it is left so empty. cos we always deny it e love n care dat it rightfully mayb we all shld reali start tinking abt e way we live our life n change a lil of our ways. cos bottom line is, we cant keep pretending n hiding behind a mask, behing angst, behind anger forever...

To my darl nikki, cheer up kayz...u noe i'm always here 4 u if u ever need me. n i always will b so is mira. wenever u need sum1 2 tok 2, we're here 4 u kayz...n u mus try stop k...if nt 4 urself, 4 us. Love ya gazzilion trillion billion million loads bundles and stacks...

Since i promised SUMONE i'll credit em, here goes nth: e word confuzled dat i used under e [A]ll me part, was created by jack. otherwise known as [ed's] lolly. dere. hapi nw? :) Btw, 4 dose of u hu r seriously super blur, confuzzled is actuali ; confused+puzzled=confuzzled!! get it?

[For you...Hazel eyed princess][you know who u are]

I look deep in your eyes and I can see
All the pain and tears you hide from me
Screaming in silence, yearning to fly
I can see the real you, behind your hazel eyes

You put on a mask, the one that’ll get you through another day
Afraid of showing the real you, the you deep inside
Your soul’s torn to pieces, severed in every way
Straining cos of the pain you try so desperately to hide

I look deep in your eyes and I can see
All the pain and tears you hide from me
Screaming in silence, yearning to fly
I can see the real you, behind your hazel eyes

I wish you’d stop pretending everything’s alright
I wish I was superman, so I can save you when you call each night
I wish I can erase away your pain
I wish I can see you fly high again

I want to help you let it all go
So you can be free from the chains that bind you tight
Let me through, please
So I can release you and make everything alright

I look deep in your eyes and I can see
All the pain and tears you hide from me
Screaming in silence, yearning to fly
I can see the real you, the you behind your hazel eyes...

~ There must be an angel with a smile on her face
when she thought up i should be with you
but it's time to face the truth
I will never be with you ~

"A friend is someone who knows you are a good egg even though he knows you are slightly cracked."