Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Spirited Away...

Heyz...It's lyk 4.45 now. I'm waiting 4 Mira in class. Nikki, Zid, Omi, jack n jelly's here 2...dey're tellin ghost stories or sth. Nt listening. feeling kinda weird ryt nw...u noe all sensitif n i tink it's jus my imagination..i mean Omi n zid nt showing signs of seeing or feeling antyhing...u noe, sumtyms, being sensitif is nt reali a gd ting. Lyk ryt nw...i dunno...Nini was lyk askin 1 of us 2 teman her down n we were all 2 lazy u noe. typical us. bt den i heard dis tingy ting. Lyk thumping noises. loud. cumin frm e cupboard. n den quick hurried naturally my senses were on extra alert n i thot i shld go teman Nini 2 calm myself down u i send her down n wen i was on my way up 2 class again, i saw wat i thot was sum1 passing on e opp corridor. u noe my sch is lyk rectangular tingy n i thot i saw sum1 passing on e opp side wen i was goin up e wen i stopped n luk harder, dere was no1 dere...i'll let u ponder abt dat aightz...

School: i was so pissed during e-math jus nw cos i din't haf tym 2 finish up my paper! Aarrrggghhh! i'm so was kinda an ok day. bt den, dere was a-maths. n omfg! Sum bitch came in instead of mrs L n she was so goddamn bitchy and irritating. I mean 4 gods sake, we had jus learned da basics 4 drawing dat curves shite n hu e hell is she 2 boss us ard?! she was going super fast n no1 was lyk understanding anyting. so i tink it was Jill hu ask her 2 lyk slow down n she was lyk "oh please...i'm nt even going fast." lyk wtf?! she's lyk jus sum relief pissed. put me in a damn bad mood. but den history cheered me up! i duno y bt i tink i'm starting 2 lyk ms Saffiah more n more. She's nice n she gave me a lollipop!!! double yayness!!!

Anyway, on 2 more nicer n happier stuff. goin 2 PP later wif my 2 bestiez. goin 2 get rhumba frap! yayness! I LOVE coffee!!

Hah.Finally told Mira. wasn't supposed 2 lyk tell her just yet bt accidentally sent her e msg i was supposed 2 send HIM so she kinda found out...was so scared she was gonna freak or sth bt i tink she suspected all along. Yay! I feel soooo FREE! Flying high in the sky, flying around like a little rhymes...lolz..Finally went n tok 2 mrs Chan. She said she'd tink abt it...Dat's a gd thing ryt? ryt?

Mira: Thnx 4 understanding and 4 still loving me. Luv ya 2 gal. N proud and happy 4 u...Now ur free huh? :)

Nikki: Happy now? I credit you alrdy so dun u dare say i didnt. N yes, i admit i had nth 2 do wif e writing. Satisfied? :) Lolz...Silly gal, as if i'd steal ur poem away from u...u noe i luv ya n i noe ya luv me 2!

A tear behind every smile
Trapped in a facade that takes a while
everyone's sick of playing life's game
The broken hearts, its all the same
With so many tricks and lies
Too many whens and too many whys
Burnt out, wasted, empty and hollow
Today was just yesterday's tomorrow
yet we still continue toying with pretend
In this life that has no end
Asking if others are okay
Only masking ourselves so people don't look our way
We say we're fine with a silent scream
Pleading it all to be just a dream
Trapped in myself in a 'perfect' place
wishing i could show my imperfect face.

[This poem was written by my bestie, Nikki]

~ Kiss me beneath the milky twilight
Lead me out onto the moonlit floor
Lift your open hand
Strike up the band and make the fireflies dance
Silver moon's sparkling
So kiss me ~

"True love is not loving a perfect person. It's loving an imperfect person perfectly..."