Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Yearning to be someone we're not...

Finally...after so long, i manage to post my veri 1st entry!! yayness! Firstly, a shoutout to my dearest Katshee for helping me out with this blog. Thanx gal, love ya n rock on yeah?

Anywayz, i was like on my way home from sch wif Nikki jus now and dis thot suddenly popped into my head. i was lyk tinking dat we're all ppl hu r lyk desperately trying 2 reach n hold on 2 sth we cant have or we can nvr get. Lyk sth we're not. I noe lotsa ppl (myself included) dat put princess or queen in fornt of their names. Lyk dis : Princess Alyssa the 1st. Kay,2 u, mayb dis is lyk irelevant bt if u lyk luk deeper n read between e lines, we're lyk yearning 2 b sum1 we're nt. We all do dat i suppose at 1 point or another. Mayb it makes us all feel better about ourselves. Make us feel lyk we're special, anyting bt ordinary. Lyk we actually mean sth.

Don't get me wrong. We r all special in our own way. bt, if onli we can see it 4 ourselves. Tell me, How many of us can look in2 a mirror n see wat others see in us? How many of us can actually see past all our faults and see wat our frens, our loved ones see? all the goodness packed inside us, we choose 2 ignore. Yet, our faults, our flaws, our thorns, we see clearly.

we're all plagued by a disease. it's called self-pity. Sure, sumtyms, a teeny amount of self-pity is good 4 u bt 2 much? can literally harm u and tear u apart. No one in dis whole entire world can make us feel special and good about ourselves if its not us ourselves. (Umm...do u lyk get wat i'm trying 2 say here?) If we don't learn 2 love ourselves 1st, how can we love others? Ask urself dat....

Colour you beautiful

If what you seek is perfection
If you’re sinking deeper into depression
If you’re stuck in a world of deception
And you’re always the one in isolation

If you think you need resurrection
If you’re fenced in utter confusion
If you’re searching for a solution
And you need consolation

I’ll colour you beautiful
And take away what’s painful
I’ll colour you beautiful
And show you you’re wonderful

If you think you’ve lost all illusion
And you’re heading for self-destruction
If you’ve lost all sense of direction
And you’re yearning an explanation

If you’ve lost your inspiration
And what you need is diversion
If you crave retribution
In order to give you satisfaction

I’ll colour you beautiful
And take away what’s painful
I’ll colour you beautiful
And show you you’re truly wonderful…
"Life is not measured by the breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breaths away..."