Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Popularity bites...literally???

Ergh...Just done wif tuition...a-maths CA tmr.great.another excuse 4 me 2 mess up...honestly, y e hell r we learning maths aniwei? regardless of whether its add maths or elementary maths...wats e point? i mean luk at ppl of olden times, dey gt thru well enuff wifout havin 2 learn functions n trigo n geometry...aniwaez, found out Ms. L goin china! i dunno whether its a gd or bad ting bt i tink its leaning more 2 gd... :)

As usual, i was stoning on e bus ride home(was a lil pmsing so went hm alone...i haf no idea y bt everytym i dun feel lyk myself, i'll start doin class duty...hmm...weird..), n sum award show on or smt was blaring on e tv mobile ting..naturally, it caught my attention after a while cos i cldnt exactly ignore e piercing screams cumin frm e small box can i? so i luk 2 c wats all e commotion abt...saw dis whole grp of ppl screaming their lungs out cos sum popular person won an award..now, dis gt me tinking...

Why is dere even a need 2 b popular? i dun tink ppl even noe y dey need 2 b popular.dey jus do.its lyk all e most beautiful and brightest ppl wif rows of perfect shiny white teeth and perfect untainted looks, tend to get drawn 2 each other, lyk bees 2 honey. bt y? wats e ting wif popularity aniwei? wat lures us ppl 2 it? the fame maybe? the power? the adoration and being idolized, e fact dat u gt 2 be e centre of attention? i dunno...

den again, y do we so called 'lesser mortals' luk up 2 dis popular ppl aniwei? y do we idolize em? after all dey're reali jus human beings lyk us...sure dey may haf more luck den us in terms of luks n wealth n all dat bt reali, dey're still made of the same mould as e res of us...mayb its cos dey're leading lives we noe we nvr will lead unless sum miracle occurs...yeah..i tink dat's prob it...ryt?

~I only think of you
And its breaking my heart
I'm trying to keep it together
But i'm falling apart...~

DoUbLe ShOt EspReSsO wItH a TwIsT oF LeMoN...

"It's not having what you want... It's wanting what you have..."

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