Thursday, October 27, 2005

Lamenting the many losses

I jus got hm frm sch.
Sth was goin on in sch jus nw.
its nt abt me thou bt still involves me sorta indirectly.
aniwei, shall nt tok abt it.
Instead, im goin 2 tok abt e super fun day we had yest at e airport.
As planned, i got ready and woke nikki up at ard 4.30?
duh she didnt wake up la.
[tell u, dat gal has a prob waking up. or mayb im a bad alarm clock?? lol.]
aniwei, i missed e effing bus n ws seriously running late.
bt i got 2 tanah merah station jus in tym. [actuali, 5 mins late. bt doesnt matter. :) ]
found nikki n jack waiting further down behind a pillar.
dey were such goons la.
trying 2 hide frm me bt duh i saw em.
den we waited 4 nini n omi.
cos as usual, nini ws late.
den e train dey were on arrived
i saw em 1st.
dey were at lyk e far end of e station.
omi in white n nini in black.
kinda lyk moving chess
aniwei, dem being e blur ppl dey r, dey didnt c e 3 of us.
so e 3 of us [me,nikki n jack], being e lunatic goons we r, decided 2 play hide n seek.
it was so0oo0o0 stupid!
we were lyk ducking down 2 avoid being seen.
i tink every1 was staring at us lyk we jus escape frm IMH.
n den e stupid ting is dat omi n nini went 2 e other platform!
dey were so sad la; didnt c us.
finally after say 15 mins? dey found us 3 goons laughing lyk mad idiots.
u shld haf been dere. it was hilarious.
so we got on e train 2 changi.
everyone was lyk high n hyper n jus wont shut up.
reached dere wif half an hour 2 spare b4 our reservation tym was up.
so we had 2 go 2 T1.
n we took e sky train!
bt it wasnt fun cos dere were 2 many ppl inside.
so yea.
den we reached swensens, got seats
n deliberated over wat 2 order.
n n dey were playing all dis old bt nice songs! lol.
we took a veri long tym 2 decide.
by dis tym, mira had arrived.
so jack took nini 2 e toilet so me n omi cld order e cake.
so we did.
n den e food came.
n den we ate.
bt den e stupid dude didnt send e cake so me n omi had 2 go bug him 4 it.
den e cake came n we sang 4 nini a b'dae song.
she was so embarassed. lol.
mira had 2 go so we said gdbye.
after we had finished, we went out 2 'watch planes'
i tink we were drunk.
on godknowswhat.
we jus were.
took e skytrain back 2 T2 n sum of us got starbucks.
i had 2 freakin eat all e whipped cream frm omi's frap cos she doesnt lyk whipped cream.
sth lyk dat.
den we all went hm.
n so ends our day out.
bt it was undeniably fun!
Tmr's e day.
we say wat has long been delayed in saying
im hoping it will all b okay
for e better
cos i dun wan 2 lose u either.
i dun tink i cn live wif dat
if i cry tmr, im sori
if i say dat im nt scared,
i'd b lying.
i am scared.
of wat will happen tmr.
im jus hoping i dun lose u cos i dun wan 2.