Sunday, October 30, 2005

What would you think of me now?

When you reflect back ,
sometimes you realise dat it was you who turned your back.
Not the world. and not anyone else.
sometimes, you realise the error of ur ways.
How u did the ppl u love wrong.
How u did so many tings wrong.
I realised dat yesterday in a moment of stark revelation.
I'm sorry nikki. I'm sorry Mira.
I wonder wat would u tink of me now?
I'm sorry Jell.I'm sori nissa.
Guilt is eating me up inside.
Where did i go wrong?
When did my plan fail?
Whatever happened 2 me?
Did i jus stand by and let time, circumstance take it all away from me?
Or maybe i'm just too weak.
Is it 2 late 4 me now?
yes. i noe dat i noe it is.
Is it 2 late 2 mend myself? turn myself in2 a better person.
Yes. I'm too far deep in alrdy.i cant get out.
What do you think of me now?
i wonder wat wld happen. if only u knew...