Tuesday, October 11, 2005


have u ever done sth u wished u can take back? sth dat u'll gif ur whole life up jus so u cn take it all back?

I noe i have. Dere's so many things in life dat i did n i wish i cld take it all back..

sumtyms i wonder 2 myself...hu am i reali? wat do i wan? wat am i doing? wat haf i done?

Why do i keep hurting e ppl i love? e ones hu truly matter n care abt me?

My eng teacher once said dat every1 has a bit of bad in em. dere's dis part in our minds dats nt reali us. nt e real us. she says its called e reptilian mind.

she says every1 has it. but sumtyms wen im all alone, i wonder whether im totally reptilian. Deres always dis voice in my head dat keeps saying stuff. of course i try 2 block it out. i do. but deres those tyms wen my guard is down n i let it take over me...n sumtyms even wif my guard up, e tiny harmless things ppl ard me say destroys my guard, bring it crushing down. n den e voice will start...

n den i'll listen 2 it n i'll do sth rash dat im gonna regret. jus lyk all e tings i've done b4...if regret is any way 2 punish me 4 hurting u, its nt enuff...nth is ever gonna b enuff...

im jus reali sori 4 everything i've ever done 2 u...ur ryt..i do run away from it all...because i'm scared. im scared i'll keep on hurting u...bt den again, i alrdy haf...