Monday, May 21, 2007

There's no roads left

So I came home at a record time of 1 am yesterday.
Thank god I managed to catch the last bus.
If not I would have had to walk home and probably reached close to 2am.
i'm not gonna blog about yesterday just yet cos I wanna add the photos as well.
so i'll blog about it later at night (after i'm done with my lit essay) and after Ilham and shaf and dil(sorry nasz, i can't call you that.) send me the photos.
Am in the library right now.
Apparently today is a damn slack.
cos cikgu's not here which means malay and PW is self study.
and ms universe is out at the pre-u seminar with my ying ling.
ahh. i'm gonna miss her.
it really surprise me how i'm so attached to all the bitches in my class.
I love all of them like shit.
When there's no roads left, we somehow still find our way regardless of whether we'll get hurt along the way.

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