Tuesday, September 04, 2007

And So I Didn't Save It

It's already 1 in the morning.
And I can't sleep.
Due to the same old reason why I can't sleep since the past 2 almost close to 3 months.
I'm really hoping I'll be able to sleep well soon cos this has got to freaking stop.
I mean I've got to freaking stop it la.
Hmm, I don't think anyone other than dilah really remembers.
I think know everyone else has just assumed that I've forgotten.
And that's good.
I like it better this way.
It's easier for me too.

I don't know you anymore.
I don't recognise the person staring back at me.
I don't have any idea what's going on in your life.
I don't know where I stand anymore.
I just don't know.
cos we might as well be strangers for all I know of you now.

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