Monday, August 01, 2005

Friendship is a beautiful thing...ryt?

Friendship.its a simple word but you can intrepret it in a diff

i've always said that friendship is a veri complicated ting.twisted.hard to decipher.yet, it is how u urself wan 2 see it as.

friendship is the ultimate.the most beautiful.lets face it. wifout it, we wont b able 2 survive.we need e companionship.sum1 2 tell all our problems n worries 2...sum1 2 lean on 4 support.

if u cant even tell ur fren wats wrong, ask urself, r u reali frens? i dun tink so.

if u dun put ur whole heart n soul into a friendship, is it even called a friendship or merely an acquaintance?

if u dun even haf heart 2 heart toks, wats e use of even having a fren?

if ur frens bt u secretly hate, isn't dat hypocrisy n nt friendship?

if u cant even feel real emotions, if ur lyk sum robot, wats e point of having a bes fren?

cos fact is best frens tell each other everything. best frens r frank 2 each other. best frens dun hide behind masks, anger or angst or even pretence. best frens dun hate e other. best frens haf nth 2 fear. best frens accept e other 4 hu dey r. best frens learn 2 give n take, 2 tolerate. bes frens noe wen 2 listen n wen 2 tok. bes frens dun get mad over petty tings cos dats e onli way dey noe how. but mostly, best frens dun hurt e other, no matter how n definately not on purpose. n oso, bes frens noe wen 2 say sorry...

friendship. yes. its complicated. but if u try unravel e web together, it wont b as complicated animore.sure, frens haf their tiffs n fights bt fact is each one will only make ur frenship tip; dun ever push e problem n conflict aside cos 1 fine day, its bound 2 surface again.settle it there n den n dun pretend it nvr did me.

Broken,severed in every way
Searching for answers every single day
Picking up the pieces left behind
Trying to force the thoughts out of her mind

Walking between the lines, doing what's right
They just don't know she's hurting, it's not alright
Trying to be perfect, hiding the pain
Well guess what mum,yes,i guess i'm insane

Cos i'm overdosing on sleeping pills
They make me real, help me feel
Cos you and dad are never there
I try searching around, calling for you everywhere
But there's only an empty space,nothing just air

Watching her flailing,trying to reach out
It must've have hurt her, not able to shout
Her eyes have lost their glow
Now, they only mirror her pain, an endless flow

Walking between the lines, doing what's right
They just don't know she's hurting, its not alright
Trying to be perfect, hiding the pain
Well guess what mum, yes, i guess i'm insane

Cos i'm overdosing on sleeping pills
They make me real, help me feel
Cos you and dad are never there
I try searching around, calling for you everywhere
But there's only an empty space,nothing but air...

"Sometimes, when it seems that all the people you know are lonely, it will be selfish of you to be lonely by yourself..."