Sunday, April 13, 2008

The countdown to forever

The week passed by in a flash. as always.
I remember thinking on monday that I really really wished the weekends will come and well, they're almost gone now.
I've had a pretty productive week.
Did couple of extra work other than the standard homework given out.
Still, it's not nearly enough cos I've still got to study last years topics especially history but I can't seem to find the time to go through it all.

I'm not going to summarise the week cos I can't remember what exactly happened when.
It's all in snippets of colour that's just floating about in my mind, regardless of chronological order.
I remember the late night study session I had with nad and nami on tuesday.
I did maths like a freak, doing normal distribution questions over and over again.
I remember trying to find stars on thursday after 2 solid hours of doing sampling for maths and then cracking cos I was so stressed up over it all.
I think I just forgot for a second how to stop and breathe and just laugh.
(I think it's the effect of not watching super junior everyday and laughing at their antics)
At this point, I have to thank kakhai for lending me her shoulder and for being so damn loser that it made me laugh again. :)
Friday was the release of PW results and I got a B.
I'm happy that all of the hard work paid off.
Thanks goes to IJ107, especially nad and li cos they gave me the strength to go through all the shits.

I realised on hindsight that although only a fraction of 2008 has passed, it's already been filled to the brim with drama, bittersweet moments, heartbreaks, pain and gallons of tears.
It's definately been an emotional roller coaster ride for everyone.
I forsee more drama and more tears later on in the year.
But no matter, let's just live for now okay.
And we'll just go through the shit when it comes.

My dad just came home from fishing and he brought home shit loads of fish.
my kitchen toilet now smells of fish. -_-
I can never understand how he can stand to wait for the fish to bite when he's not exactly a very patient person.
Still, thank god he's back.
My mum has been in a hellish mood ever since he left yesterday.
I think she misses him but she just doesn't want to admit it. -_-

I'm totally in love with DBSK. especially their songs.
And this made me cry and it's not even korean so I understand it even less.
They're singing in Japanese at their concert and seeing them cry broke my heart.
Doesn't help that the song is so freaking sad and nice...arggh!
DBSK is my favourite korean/jap jiwang la seriously.

Proud - DBSk

I’m going to pass through quickly
Well I just wonder which season I’ve already passed
I walk passed the scenery I’m already use to seeing
I can’t slip away from the far away memories alone like this

So that I don’t lost the place that I go to…
That time I met you

On this street, I met you by chance
Even now I don’t forget, from that day on
Everything, like the sad things, the things I carried in anxiety, everything
Through your warmth changes into memories
Proud of your love

The two shells I picked up
Once again the miracle of being able to meet you
If you let me be by your side
The inside of my heart will begin to have kind feelings

Even if a violent rain is falling
Even in strong winds

I will protect this love
If you are here then surely I can get over this
Because I am beginning to be able to think like this, so that I never loose this hand
Let’s always look towards the important times

On this street, we met by chance
Even now I don’t forget, from that day forward
Living, believing, will this is change into happiness
Forever, let’s walk together
Proud of your love

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