Tuesday, April 22, 2008

only a heartbeat away

First up, replies to tags.
(this mostly applies to Sue.haha)
Sue: HAHA! I can't believe you cried. -_-. but can't blame you la. Damn heartbreaking song. I'll change it soon so you can read my blog without crying k. :) And chill, I still haven't decided who I like best. So jaejoong is still safely yours (unless I decide to like him la. haha) But now, I'm kinda leaning more to yunho or yoochun or jaejoong. haha. We shall see. :)
Oh which reminds me, I'm supposed to wake you up now. Haha.

Khai: Yup yup DBSK-ing now.. :) diversifying la babe. heh. But I'm sure you're used to it kan? Never mind, whatever it is, you're still one of my favourite skinskip partners! (not that I have a lot la) heh. sarangheyo kakhai. :)

Finally, after a really really long time, cinta came over to chill.
We talked a very minimal bit while I was doing maths and she was reading.
Then we watched DBSK performances and EHB. :)
3 straight episodes of EHB at one shot.
I really really love her for actually bothering to sit down and watch the videos with me and for laughing just as hard, if not more than me(cos I've watched it so many times that it wears off sometimes)
Oh and she said DBSK's jiwang is like surpassing that of ungu. :)
I'm happy now.
If happiness is measured by the small, fleeting moments, then this would definately count.

Other than that, my day was pretty normal.
Had maths and history consultations where UN and Cold War politics killed me.
I swear history can be such a pain the ass to do.
I was pretty satisfied with how the day went except for the fact that there was a freaking dead rat stuck somewhere in the air vent of LT5 when I had my history lecture just now.
Bloody hell and damnation.
The smell was really really bad.
I can still somewhat smell it even until now.
Seriously, I think if the NEA were to find out, my school will surely get shut down for a week while they go and exterminate all the freaking rats in the place.

And as usual, Tuesdays seems to be the day where I'll write a drabble here and there, or write a sajak.
I wrote a really random drabble cos DBSK's will you be my girlfriend was in my head during lit tutotial.
The drabble is really really random, I wasn't thinking of anything in particular or anyone for that matter.
Although I think it doesn't quite make as much sense as its supposed to. hmm.

Prompt: I'm only a heartbeat away - DBSK, will you be my girlfriend?

I wonder, if I ask you, is there still a need for my heart to beat in tune with yours, what would you say? They say that when your heart gets what it wants, you'll reach that level of Eden, that Utopian happiness. Yet, when my heart got what it wanted, I am only a blank here, between parentheses, which are really, your arms that encircles me. And that cold,calculating love present between you and me, it pierces like a knife,butchering my insides, carving out my heart to leave a empty hollow, and shatters it into a million shards that cannot be pieced together again. And my whole being, just evaporates - sublimation, the change from solid to vapour - and the cold wind that wraps itself around us in a locked embrace, will blow me away. So, even though I know this will never be reason good enough for you, I will let you go. Before you realise that you are the one that will be forced to let me go. I will castrate your heart, before you have a chance to castrate mine. And if ever, the stars dictate that your heart will scream and echo in the silence to be in sync with mine again, just remember my love, if only you look, if only you listen, I will always only ever be a mere heartbeat away.

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