Monday, November 28, 2005

Between order and randomness

It's only 4.35 pm n i'm alrdy bored.
want to go out bt mom's in a bitchy mood so gotta stick ard home.
Goin out on wed wif loll n jell n dunno hu else.
*journey to e west* or so jell-o says
shld b fun.
god i miss everyone.
nikki hu's diligently doing hw. god, dat girl nds sth else 2 do. :)
snam hu's pining 4 her guy 2 b hm frm wherever he went. she even has a countdown tingy goin on. lolz. tok abt being in love :)
lollie hu i bet is playing vid games wif her bro or watching him. yups. tok 2 her till 4 or sth few days ago. interesting convo thou. she's dead hyper at nyt. all bouncy n all. :)
omi hu's stuck sumwhere in malaysia. no fun. at least she gets 2 go on a holiday. i'm prolly stuck here till start of term. dad's plan 2 fly us 2 china kinda backfired wat wif probs wif his treasurer n all.
jellie. dun noe wat she's doing. prolly lounging ard watching tv n eating her brownies or smt.:)
Nissa. dunno wat she's doing either. shopping mayb? :)
n everyone else 2. :)
can't wait 2 c em soon. hopefully.
Aniwei, randomness;
"If today were half as good as tomorrow is supposed to be, it would probably be twice as good as yesterday was."-Norman R. Augustine
seems dat i've been having a fetish 4 quotes lately. :)
Aniwei, haf been trying 2 figure dat out bt cant.
mayb my brains 2 muddled or smt.
Sis gave it a go 2.
heck, she even drew models n all. u noe lyk e kind u draw 4 maths back in pri sch.
bt still fail 2 grasp its true meaning.
so if anyone manages 2 figure dat out, explain 2 me yeah?
Sometimes you wonder whether you're all that you make yourself out to be