Saturday, November 19, 2005

Suddenly everything has changed

Love is watching someone die. i'm wondering, will u watch me die?

I'm sitting here blogging even thou i'm supposed to get ready
to go to uncle Sam's house.
bt wateva. lolz
got back my results.
not so bad.
did shit well for arab. :)
my sis's gaping in wonderment. silly. its jus arab la.
failed one subject thou. bt expected. didnt study 4 dat. :)
There's so many things i wanna say 2 u.
bt i dunno whether u cn take it.
i'm jus trying 2 find e ryt words 2 say it.
y can't u jus be dere? jus listen. dats all i need. am i asking 4 a lot out of u? i alrdy promised i wont. n i WONT. wat part of dat dun u understand? sigh. i noe ur sick of all dis shyt. look, i didnt mean 2 drag u in2 all of it ok? i wish i hadnt tainted ur life. bt i did. so get over it n jus b dere wen i need u e most. i onli need u 2 listen. dats all. cant u do dat? i dun nd u getting mad at me or saying tings dat will jus hurt me more.i dont need animore of dat. i jus nd u 2 listen. bt ting is, can u?
Please just don't play with me
My paper heart will bleed
This wait for destiny won't do
Be with me please i beseech you.
sigh. i tink i've alrdy lost u. a long tym ago. cracks r lyk surfacing? sumtyms, i wonder whether we're still strong onli cos dats wat other ppl expect out of us. cos ultimately, we're jus exactly lyk strangers aniwei. so many tings go unsaid between us dat i tink if we say it all out, it'll fill up a novel e length of the whole LOTR collection. and all e tears we've cried, will amount 2 gallons n gallons of water. bt den, wat cn i do except lament e loss of it all ryt? i cant bring e past back. i cant make things better. cos it's nt onli up 2 me. its US. bt i guess tings r jus gonna remain lyk dis huh? n i tink im right in saying dat we're jus scared 2 confront it. or maybe time just doesnt wan us 2.
Every memory of looking out the back door
I had the photo album spread out on my bedroom floor
It's hard to say it, time to say it
Goodbye, goodbye
Sometimes you wonder whether the people who say they love you really do