Sunday, November 27, 2005

The truth doesn't make a noise

These few days have been a real eye-opener for me.
Now i noe hu reali truly care n hu's only pretending.
wat cn i say?
all these while i've blinded myself with illusions
now i've finally been granted sight.
i guess maybe i've jus been deluding myself all this while.
i knew bt i never wanted 2 listen
i thot if i kept denying it, it won't b true.
bt den again, it alrdy is
Surprisingly, i dun feel an ounce of misery
sure dere's e initial hurt
bt i got over it.
n sad 2 say, i'm nt missing anyting.
makes one wonder i suppse on how exactly the planetary divisions of frenships work.
I always knew. you're the one hu never wanted to see.
Guess ur ryt. always ryt.
Funny reali. The actual irony of it all.
Tried to protect u bt i failed miserably.
So u left?
Sad dat i dun actually miss u.
Well, now i noe;
The truth doesn't make a noise.
Sometimes, you wonder whether the person staring at you out of the mirror is who you really want to be