Sunday, November 20, 2005

Quiet things that no one ever knows

It's been 5 days alrdy.
5 days only?
eh, it's a start. tau.
oh. yeah, it's a start. hey, i'm proud of u. tau. if u con't ryt, i'll b damn proud of u. reali.
I need it. sigh.
rephrase dat. u don't need it. u miss it.
I'm turning, i jus need to.
Hey, listen to me. u DUN reali. if u do it, i'll do it 2.
Why do u haf 2 get mad at me?ur hurting me. cant u c?
Cos i noe u cn do better. n i've seen u suffer enuff.
i'm trying 2 stop. or so the story goes.
yeah dat i cn definately see. so stop it. cos every cut u make is lyk every burn i will make on myself.
u burn urself?
no la. i'm jus giving u an example of how u make others hurt wen u do wat u do.
i feel guilty for pulling her in.
i feel guilty 4 pulling u n her in.
ur nt ur own person. u hide behind e copycat of others.
isnt dis wat u told me last yr?
yeah. bt u havent changed.
I don't wan u 2 change fi. i wan u 2 b urself which u arent. i dun noe hu e real fi is animore.
well, i dunno hu e real fi is either.
Y is everyting suddenly crashing down? fuck.
all dat happiness e last 2 weeks didnt last.
oh well. wat cn i say ryt?
stuff jus happens.
jus wish it wasnt all at e same tym.
hey, im praying 4 u n him ok? u dun wori. tell me if u nd aniting tau. n DUN u fucking dare do aniting silly. TAU. love ya.
Thanx 4 listening. ur a gr8 fren 2 haf. reali. take lotsa care. n rmbr u promised u'd try.
i'm sori.
I'm sori. n i seriously do nt get y u had 2 say dat. bt its done so watevs.
eh, i noe la i'm supposed 2 prasan it u asshole. bt nth ws wrong at dat tym ok? dats y im fucking asking u wat u mean. get it u idiot?
Sometimes, you wonder why your entire world suddenly topples over