Wednesday, March 15, 2006

The bestest friends a girl could have

I jus got back from mira's hse.
fun fun.
gossip gossip.
oh n i painted dat tingy n she helped lots.
thank u darl.
been meaning 2 blog bt jus keep getting distracted.
damn. i need more discipline.
oh dis past few days has been a lot of firsts.
it was e first time i attended a wedding in god knows how long.
must say, it was a nice affair.
n e food was good.
had dis bitterswit feeling the entire time.
it jus sumhow seemed unreal. prolly cos e bride n groom had such a hist.
thank god he finally married her. :)
it was e first time me nikki n mira had a three way call.
apparently jus found out mira's hp cld do dat.
so fun.
at least now it wont have to be mira coling nikki on her hp n nikki coling me on my hp at e same time, trying 2 communicate properly.
n it was e first time i painted since god knows wen.
4e9, thnx 4 e opportunity.
n 2dae was also the first time that i realise dat i reali reali missed toking 2 u.
n maybe jus maybe, i feel more than i'm reali letting on.
i'm falling again.
its like no matter how hard i fight it, i'll still end up falling.
its like going bungee jumping n u nvr get pulled up again.
its fucking scary.
except, sumtyms, dere's an upside to the falling.
and that's e chance u give ur friends to catch u.
its e one chance i give my friends to catch me.

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