Friday, March 31, 2006

One hell of a day

Today was sports day.
last sports day in TKG.
gosh, it was one hell of a weird erratic day
cos all of us, at one point or another, was mad at each other
n we all cried at least once.
[my eyes r hurting frm crying 2 much. :( ]
but there were also very high up there moments.
[i'll jus leave all those other down moments out k, i noe u can't erase it bt i jus dun wanna tok abt it]
anyway, there were shitloads of loser moments, mostly involving me.
its jus nt fair cos everytime i haf a loser moment, everyone notices. hrmph.
dey're basically involving me tripping over raised slabs and my own feet n wat not
shall not elaborate on dat part.
oh ya, b4 i forget, we found ozzy. [he's a kitten btw]
bt he ran away.
den dere was the whole jellie n nikki moment wif the MAXIMISER [insert scary music here. shudders.]
damn, i shld haf been dere la.
i want to see her reaction.
basically, nikki n jell met up wif zidd who was wif the MAXIMISER due to a hilarious turn of events ; sth involving the MAXIMISER being dere wen zidd n e rest of eighters were making plans 2 go out and being the MAXIMISER that she is, the MAXIMISER invited herself along n den end up her n zidd onli...LMAO. dats e most funniest shit turn of events ever.
so dey were blatantly putting the MAXIMISER back in her place, serve her right la, for being sesat. hah.
take dat u MAXIMISER environmentalist eyesore.
gosh, im sleepy la.
my eyes r beyond trying 2 stay open.
so i shall cut it short.
oh wait, im toking 2 my fren frm pri sch hu i havent tok 2 in years
4 years 2 b exact. lost e bond la.shes in TK sec so i tend to see her ard.
interesting convo thou a bit on e superficial side cos u noe, u cant expect a person 2 stay e same after 4 years of moving on in life.
n i jus sent an e-mail 2 a total stranger.
poured out my heart. i hope dere's a reply.
cos seriously, my non-existant emotional reasoning is affecting the way i interact wif ppl n all dat.
i'm truly sori if i've hurt anyone [i noe i haf] . i'm trying my bestest to change n hopefully, this dude[ i forgot his name] can impart his mental resiliance knowledge 2 me.
i'm gonna do wateva it takes 2 make sure i dont go hurting ppl membabi-buta [irrationally].
i'm veri veri sori [i noe u all haf heard me say dat so many times] for everyting dat i do and don't do.
i love all of you ppl more than e stars in e sky.
thnx 4 everyting n tolerating my insanity n wat not n for standing by me.
i still rmbr wat one of u told me :
"i'm here. was here. is here.will be here."
same person said:
"whenever i'm awake, u'll see me here, standing. for you"
n den another one of u said:
"i'll watch over you"
Thank u.
Mira: darl, watch ur cough ok, take ur inhaler tingy. dun u dare get another asthma attack. thanks for everyting. n 4 being dere 4 me always.n for being my guardian angel. sori 4 everyting i've done dat hurt-ed u.
Nikki: I'm letting u go. i trust u. i'm always here 4 u. thnx 4 everyting. n 4 being dere 24/7. n 4 being veri patient wif me. sori 4 all e tears u've wasted over me. n i miss u writing letters 2 me. u nvr do animore. :(
and to all other ppl who've countlessly, relentlessly, patiently supported me and got my back;
jellie, nissa, omi, loll, shaf, raihan[dun ask k] n everyone else.
thank u frm e bottom of my heart.

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