Wednesday, March 08, 2006

sorry is the hardest word to say

Feeling emo again.
the emo for no reason kind.
i hate dat kinda feeling cos it'll sumhow make me replay all dats ever happened.
all dat ive ever done n all dat i never do.
n it jus gets harder n harder.
its dis personal on-going battle with myself.
and i don't see e end reali
bt trust me, im trying.
to b a better person
to control and fight temptation.
bt mostly, to prove to myself dat i can escape from this shithole and that life is worth living to the fullest.
so other than dat, not much's been happening.
just been thinking lots.
being me i suppose.
stoner-emo me.
so yea.
i got a hell lot of a mess to unscrew myself frm myself.
n i tink i shld start by asking help.
bt frm who?
wen all i see are hidden tears behind glass cages.
maybe its jus dat time of the month. jus a rough patch dat we're all going thru.
n i noe dat we'll all make it thru.
cos our whole lives are still unwritten.
doesnt mean dat watever stain we left on its pages will affect the story after dat ryt?
i jus wish i actuali believe dat.

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