Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Emo junkie and gorgeousness

Every whisper
Of every waking hour
I'm choosing my confessions
Trying to keep an eye on you
Like a hurt lost and blinded fool
Oh no I've said too much
I set it up
That's me in the corner
That's me in the spotlight
Losing my religion
Trying to keep up with you
And I don't know if I can do it
dat song's been in my head the entire day.
i've decided to nto write anymore emo ____ stuffs.
jus one last ting 2 say;
sometimes, u gotta be harsh to be truthful.
n face it, the truth hurts. no matter how its delivered.
and if me saying out what i reali feel is so called "uncalled" for
den im sori 2 say u feel dat way.
cos hey, its MY prerogative.
just like its urs 2 _______.
so yupp.
was crapping wif loll while waiting 4 nikki n omi 2 end tuition.
we sorta toked rubbish reali.
abt naming our kids.
n how i told her i can imagine little nikkis running ard going "auntie fee auntie fee! mama scold me..." with those adorable hazel eyes i jus noe dey'll inherit from her..
hehe. so cute.
n we gushed abt Mr. Ed. and Mr. Teddy.
hey gorgeous. are you up for it? *grins**swoons**blush*
same old us krapping our assess off.
im so gonna miss krapping wif all e ppl.
trying nt 2 tink abt life after O's.
i'd like to think dat its beyond my mental capacity notwithstanding validity and pitch so'er.
i love dat quote.
no idea why. im jus weird.
*insert creepy weird music here* [wait. is dere even such music?? *shruggs*]
oh.i'm listening to this old old old malay rocker lovehunters song.
if ur wondering why is fee listening 2 such a song, blame my dear father.
i swear he infected the entire house with that song.
even my mum will suddenly burst out wif e lyrics.
its jus kinda grows on u i suppose.
its amazing right how so many tings grow on you when you get so used to them.
the wonders of the umm...mind. right.
maybe i should do a research paper on that. NOT.

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