Wednesday, March 29, 2006

The moments that take our breaths away

Gosh, i realise that since i haven't been going online, my social life is practically non-existent out of sch.
how sad.
been studying much bt today my brain's tottally not cooperating wif me.
so here i am.
ok i cant decide whether i am supposed 2 b annoyed or not.
i jus hate it wen ppl step in n out of ur life like dey r in a hotel or sth.
its like u thot u forgot a person bt den they sumhow push their way back into ur life n says things that jus make u smile.
i hate it wen dat happens.
dat sux.
oh well, i jus look a it as a way 2 engage my mind in a good conversation.
n its waay beyond freaky wen u meet sumone dat cld almost be ur genetically identical twin.
aniwei, i've had an epiphany on life recently.
my dad drives me 2 sch n he always passes by that stretch of runway beside the airport n i'll always see the sky change from dark to light...its an amazing sight.
kind of made me realise that life's beautiful n dere's a lot of things in life to be thankful for.
u dun always haf 2 see e sadness n bad tings in life.
dere's always more beneath e surface, waiting to discovered.
"life is not measured by the breaths we take but by the moments that takes our breath away."
i love that quote.
its so true dun u tink?
oh yeah, in lit, i [and everybody else] established that im in e melancholic category.
which means i'm reserved n a damn deep thinker bt den again i can be pessismistic and i self-criticise myself a lot.
sounds familiar?

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