Wednesday, March 01, 2006

whirlwind of thoughts

Wow. a lot has been happening dis past few days.
dunno where 2 start.
right now, im jus staring blankly at e screen
as in i noe wat i want 2 say bt i dunno how 2 say it.
its like dis rush of thots running thru my head.
hmm....maybe i tink 2 much.
e bad ting abt being able 2 read ppl without words is dat u tend 2 over read em.
u noe?
n den u start assuming.
n make an "ass" out of "u" and "me".
bt more like u make an "ass" out of "me"
am i toking abt myself? yeah.
cikgu showed us e real autopsy. n it was damn uh, scary.
u noe, e organs n all hanging out...its real.
so, can i jus say dat i DONT want to be cut up if i die aightz.
so if e doctor wans 2 do dat ryt, can sumone pls pls pls use my blog as evidence dat i dont want to be autopsied.
n does anyone noe of any form u can sign for no autopsy tingy?
i mean dere's DNR ryt. so is dere a DNA? (Do No Autopsy)
Oh, my bio teacher so hilarious.
she was mewing at dis bird dat was chirping at e windowsill so dat it'll go away.
n it did. :)
N she was laughing at me jus now. so evil.
n damn, she's got sooo many unfortunate frens.
she'll go like "did i tell u abt my fren hu...." n den after she's done, she laughs.
reali. reali. freaky.
Lit enrichment was nice. Much Ado About Nothing.
didnt tink i wld get e jokes seeing as how e movie's in elizabethan eng.
n dats hard 2 get u noe.
look at 12 night for example, its full of word play n all so if u dun get e language, u dun get e word play. n if u dun get e wordplay, u dun get e joke.
bt 4 Much Ado About Nothing, u get e joke wifout even having 2 understand e language.
i dun remember ever laughing so hard.
shall go watch wif poopiehead n snammie
n e eighters. n rum n loll hu's going again oso...haha
so yea, i gotta stretching. fun. not.
n i mean e stretching for maths.
n nikki, im so so sori i 4got 2 take ws 4 u..
sori sori.
n n snam put kau auraku in my head plak..:)
n yeah, i noe i've used red font since forever bt it doesnt go with e temp here u go, new colour. :)
oops. gotta go.
take care all.
cherish every moment before time takes it away.
lotsa love n good night.

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