Monday, March 06, 2006

Epitome of Epiphany

Ergh. my hand is aching.
jus played dis super annoying bt fun game. :)
i guess u cn col it dat.
nd lots of it after all dat's been happening n is happening.
i jus realised dat i've had lots of epiphanys lately.
n sum of dem reali damn ironic.
n everyday i'll cry sum.ironic ting is, im crying over irony.
if ur wondering wat shit im babbling, jus ignore me.
my brain's jus 2 crammed up 2 tink ryt now.
so yea.
i've had epiphanys when my head was so full of thoughts and fears that it actuali kinda hurt.
n i've had epiphanys dat jus strike me wen im least expecting em.
lyk jus now.
had a nice heart-to-heart wif nikki.
damn. i miss moments lyk dat wen we cld jus open up n let it all go 2 each other.
i miss all of it. reali.
bt sumtyms, u gotta let time take back wat belongs to it ryt?
it hit me like a lightning bolt.
damn. wat am i doing wif my life ryt now?
im jus doing screw up after screw up.
n im screwing up other ppl's lives as well.
n im truly sori 4 those of u hu directly or indirectly, i screwed up ur life.
it jus hurts to know that you're in dis deep dark hole with onli so few for company n no matter how hard u try, u cant seem 2 get out.
ur hands jus slip on e walls n u lose ur footing again.
n each time, u take an injury, another wound.
but u wanna get out of dat deep dark whole.
but ur scared cos u've been so comfortable for all these years in dat deep dark hole;
ur eyes have grown so accustomed 2 e darkness dat ur scared ur gonna b blinded by the light if u get out of dat deep dark hole.
n u noe dat if u cont 2 saty in dat deep dark hole, u'll lose everyone dat matters.
yeah. dats how im technically feeling abt it all.
maybe it all comes down 2 god.
i have 2 find god. get back my faith.
start believing wif all my heart.
sumhow i tink because i didn't remember god, HE took away all the ppl dat mattered.
one by one.
n i'm sore at him a lil cos of dat.
its a vicious circle once u tink abt it.
a circle dat goes on in circles, unless u find e strength 2 break free.
problem is; i reali dunno where 2 start.
how 2 start believing again. how 2 get my faith back.
someone, please help me, find god again.

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