Saturday, March 04, 2006

The bitter truth will just slap you on your face

I'm feeling ergh.
been feeling ergh since last few days?
i dunno whether 2 rant or nt.
cos if i rant, i might turn a teeny bit ugly.
n i dun wan ppl 2 get e wrong idea u noe.
or rather lyk i shld control my temper.
n take wat ppl say in stride.
its jus wat u say dat i take 2 heart ryt?
cos you said it.
i mean, wat more do u want frm me?
am i supposed 2 b a recluse n stone everyday?
i dunno.
mayb i shld do dat.
yeah bt wen i do dat u end up asking me wats wrong.
so i dunno wat exactly u wan me 2 do.
honestly, sumtyms, i tink u take me 4 granted.
like i'd always b dere 4 u wenever.
sumtyms i tink u 4get 2 appreciate e tings i do 4 u.
mayb i dun do a lot. yeah i tink dats it. mayb wat i do isnt enuff.
sumtyms. i honestly wonder y i bother so much cos it seems lyk i'm e onli one bothering.
oh wait, u col dat me being over paranoid
maybe cos its u. dats y im over paranoid.
do u see me overparanoid abt everybody else?
wat do u wan frm me?
can u jus tell me?
give it 2 me straight rather den u keep it in n roll ur eyes at me or sth.
do u wan me 2 kill myself 4 u?
sure. y not? if u ask me 2 i wld.
did u noe dat?
i dun tink u did.
well, now u do.
im jus feeling a little under appreciated right now
so excuse my words.
the bitter truth will just come up and slap u in e face.
like how i chose you and you turned around and give me a tight slap with what you said.
i'm not going to lie.
it hurts.
both my pride and my heart.
thanks 4 e bullets.

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