Saturday, March 18, 2006

A day in town with Jellie

It's 10.19.
waiting 4 nikki 2 col me so she can tell me all abt her spa trip.
so fun. im jealous.
Today was fun.
Went to town wif jell. :)
damn. town was packed. prolly cos its e weekend.
see, shld haf jus gone 2 ikea bt nooo...we had 2 go town.
oh well. wats done is done n cannot be undone.. lolz..
lunch-ed at LJS at orchard cine.
nvr realised until den how yummy greasy stuff was.
its finger-licking good.
wait. isnt dat KFC?
wat was i saying again?
oh yes. lunch.
after lunch, jell wanted 2 go check out newurbanmale at hereen.
damn fun 2 read e t-shirt prints.
"bananas, cucumbers or sausages?"
i'd vote bananas...lotsa carbo. extra energy u noe. :)
[if ur getting my drift here]
oh oh!
saw theron at HMV.
[omg. i like theron. haha. dat is jus plain scary freaky. dis is all ur fault ppl. sheesh]
e aeon flux ting spoiled it a little thou.
wanted 2 get it bt im broke. how sad n depressing.
i need sponsors. any1 feeling kind?
after dat we walked aaaalll e way 2 far east cos jell wanted a skirt or sth lyk dat.
so away we went. didnt get aniting much other den eye candy. according 2 jell dat is.
walked ard a bit. den we had no idea where 2 go n den i got it.
TOPSHOP was glaring at me across e street so we decided to go dere..
bt ended up entering sum building n detouring lotsa times. lolz
typical us dun u tink?
wen we finally got our direction right, we went into topshop n i was looking at all e cute cute girl boxers. dey got new prints u see.
by den we were both damn tired. feet hurt frm 2 much walking.
didnt want 2 go hm yet cos it was onli 5.50 or sth. so i decided 2 drag jell 2 taka 2 see the not-so-dirty-little-secret.
bt we went in e wrong door. twice. or was it thrice?
finally got e right spot n i dragged her up 2 dat purrddy toy shop.
i love 2 see ppl's reactions wen dey see it.makes me smile.
jell was like "oh oh. look. eshan n maria can play with all cute.." gotta wan 2 have em man.
speaking of which i concluded dat any kid of theirs will be super blur n knocking into walls n wat not n den he'll go "auntie fee...oww. pain." while rubbing his head.
so veri them. so jell n sman.
i tell u, blur+blur=veri blur.
dragged her 2 art friend too. i jus love dat shop.
full of artsy stuff, not dat im artsy in e arty way bt it was fun 2 pretend i cld b shopping for stuff for my latest masterpiece.
[hey, dont burst my bubble here ok..a girl can dream]
after dat we were jus both fucking beat so we decide to head home.
n i walked her home, me being e nice person dat i am u noe.
i was actuali gonna blog abt e deep convo we had on e way 2 her hse bt nah...shall save dat 4 another day.
stayed at her hse until ard 7.40?
was watching mountain. n drinking strawberry milk.
now i noe wat her hse is like.
n her mum's fun. :)
was goin 2 ask my dad 2 pick me up frm her hse bt he refused 2 move his ass cos he wanted 2 watch pearl harbour which he claims he hasnt watched in years.
im jus wondering if he realises we have the exact same copy of said movie in the cd cupboard ting.
guess dats my dad 4 u.
man, i miss sch. at least i had sth 2 do.
n i tink im missing all those nice[yeah right] frens i haf.
oh well, shall see em soon.
n den i'll remember jus how annoying, amusing, slenger, crazy, whiny, bitchy n plain fun dey can be.
i'm out. goodnight stars.

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