Monday, January 22, 2007

Harley Davidsons

I was just in the kitchen peeling the skin off chicken drumsticks.
Needless to say, it was gross.
Not to mention slippery and slimy.
I did three drumsticks before giving up seeing as how I would be taking the whole night to finish them since I'm averaging 5 minutes for one drumstick.
(And there were a lot of drumsticks)
In a strange moment of realisation, me and Fadh realise that it's the third week of January and we've been to KFC to visit Bani once each week.
Of course we realised this when we were sitting there and waiting for Bani to finish.
I spent 12 bucks on food and we sinfully indulged in chicken and crispy fattening skin.
And we ate every single last one with Fadh cleaning off the bones for me cos I'm an extremely picky eater and I leave a lot of meat behind for some strange reason or other.
After we were all fed an watered, this conversation happened.
Me: Eh, I need to buy earphones. Is there anywhere here that sells shit like that?
Bani: (thinks for a while.) upstairs ah.
Me: upstairs? ader eh?
Bani: Harley Davidson pe! *shoots me a 'duh' look*
Utter silence for 15 seconds with me and Fadh staring at Bani.
(I was trying to think what a Harley Davidson shop was doing at Tampines Mart and more importantly why it was selling earphones.)
Turns out she meant Harvey Norman and she only figures that out after she sang the tune for the advert on TV.
I laughed my ass off.
The silly things that peopledo to make me laugh.
After all, "laughter is the best medicine."

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