Sunday, January 28, 2007

Promise of Abstinence

Today I woke up and decided to take that promise of abstinence.
Abstinence from drinking and smoking and cutting.
I don't drink a lot, just a couple of sips when I get the chance.
I don't smoke a lot either except for the occasional puff of marlboro when i feel like it.
And i haven't cut since April of 2006.
So this promise i'm sealing with you would bring an end to all the puffs and sips and cuts.
for the rest of my life.
I never like making such promises purely based on the fact that I might end up breaking them.
But this morning or rather afternoon, when I got up, I decided to make a final promise.
A promise that I dare say I won't break.
I know I can do it because i've been abstaining from it since april.
The sipping and puffing I can abstain from since it's so occasional it hardly has a hold on my life.
I'm pretty sure I can keep this promise.
Cos frankly, it's about time.
And there's just something about the person I'm sealing this promise with that makes me not want to break it and disappoint.
To said person, (you know who you are) deal's on.

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