Tuesday, January 09, 2007

I Held The Devil's Hand

I'm in a pretty reflective mood today.
I guess it might be because of the rain.
Or it might just be one of those days.
I realised I haven't been thinking deep since the start of the new year.
The thing with me is that I reflect quite often.
My mum says I think too much but then again, that's just who I am.
A deep thinker?
Yeah. Pretty Much.
I haven't found the time to reflect in between work, rest and chilling out with Fadh and Bani.
Hell, I don't even have much time to socialise with anyone else other than those two goons.
And they don't even count cos well, they're goons.
Today, I reflected on mortality.
On how much time God has already given me and how much time I have left.
About life.
How fragile it is and how you can just be snatched away.
I don't know how much time I have left.
Noone does.
The thing is I know that we are all going to die but it just never really hit me that I am going to be six feet under one fine day.
I always take it for granted that I'll wake up the next morning and take another breath.
Hell, I always take it for granted that I'm gonna draw breath again the next second.
But death is real.
And it scares me how I might not have enough time to do all the things I want to do.
It scares me how I might get a chance to tell people things I somehow can't find the courage to say now.
Like how sorry I am for all the hurt and wrong I did them.
And how much I treasure their presence.
And how grateful I am for every single thing they've done for me and for the love and friendship they've given me.
And how much I love them.
(So hey, I love all of you out there kay. my family and my friends.really.literally)
but mostly, I'm scared of not having enough time to seek forgiveness for all the things I did.
For all the sins that I've committed.
And for all the times I've held the Devil's hand.

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