Monday, January 08, 2007

I Forgot The Simplicity Of Normal

It's been a long time since I last posted.
Fadh's sitting beside me(again) msging and telling me about her "potential" shit.
I'm tuning her out so I get a bit of time to blog.
A lot of things happened with the turn of the new year.
Personally for me, I don't really care much for the new year.
As in I'm just living my life.
Each day is the same but with small twists and surprises.
It's the same story but just a different version.
The first week of the new year's been packed though.
And it slipped through my fingers before I could properly grasp it.
I spent the actual new year lazing around.
The next day me and Fadh went to Bani's workplace.
The plan was to grab a quick bite.
A quick bite turned out to be a six hour stay at KFC.
It's surprising how much you can find out about another person when you're stuck with them for six hours straight and with nothing to do but talk.
It goes to show that you should change your first impressions of people and just let them suprise you.
I guess after all that, it's not surprising that she can just pop over after i get home from work and just chill.
And use the computer since hers "meletop".
With the sparks and all.
Mostly Bani comes over too but she's not here today.
And she wasn't there the day Fadh slept over.
It was a Friday.
We ended up sleeping at almost 6 in the morning.
It was a little weird when I woke up and saw her lying on the bed,sleeping her ass off.
Weird but a fact of reality.
Sometimes I'm struck by how far I've come from who I was.
It's not that I'm not happy with who I am now.
Cos I am.
It's just a little surreal.
But surreal in a good way.
If you told me I'd be where I am now a few years back, when I just started in TKGS, i'd laugh out loud at your face.
And i'd tell you I'd never change.
But that's preposterous cos nothing will ever be the same.
And once you or something in your routine changes, you can't change it back.
Life's not alike a car.
It can't go in reverse.
If we could all do that, we'd live to be 80 and still trying to reverse and redo our teen years.
And really, you can't just blame it on life.
Cos honestly, what would life be without the people.
Us actors on this huge stage laid out for us.
And people; they're even more unpredictable than life itself.
In episode nine of Season 1 of One Tree Hill, Lucas said "What a frightening thing is the human, a mass of gages and dials and registers. And we can only read a few. And those perhaps not accurately."
That quote sums it all up.
I'm getting distracted by a certain someone beside me and it's like some annoying mosquito buzzing continuously so i'd better go and swat it before it starts sucking my precious blood.

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