Sunday, January 21, 2007

No matter what I do

No matter what I do, I have to think of you.
It's not always easy to do what I want to do.
Cos your feelings matter in it too.
Honestly sometimes I don't know why I bother cos it's killing me inside.
I just pray to god to grant me that strength to face you every day and keep it all in.
I just hope I can continue taking every hit you shoot at me.
And i hope i can still numb myself.
My dear twin sister I never had,
Where are you?
Everytime I reach out to you, I find myself blocked by this invisible wall.
Maybe we're both been too busy to catch up.
I hope what I think is happening to us isn't gonna happen.
Cos shit like that is not supposed to happen to us.
You know, you'll always have a place in my heart, as cheesy as that sounds.
I just have a freaking soft spot for you basically.
Well, I just gotta say that I miss you like fuck.
And I love ya girl.
Hope you know that.

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