Tuesday, January 16, 2007

That's just what the ****

I'm sitting at home while Muse is playing at fort canning right this very instant.
I really want to go even though Muse isn't my all-time favourite band but still, its MUSE.
What are the chances of them coming back soon?
The chances of me shaving all my hair off and painting my bald scalp neon orange and then migrating to the Hawaii in a grass skirt is higher.
This is really one of those times when I'm wishing heartily that my dad's a famous rockstar or actor and we're rolling in cash.
(you know like those ball pits at the entrance of IKEA except it's money instead of balls.)
But he's not and we're not rolling in anything and especially not cash.
Still, I had a nice time out today.
I followed Fadh to her interview at The Oriental Hotel.
I ended up waiting for an hour in the carpark for her and her friend to finish.
After that we headed over to the library at the Esplanade.
She learnt a valuable lesson about following me to the library.
I take forever to choose something to read.
Fadh actually remarked that she thought this was how it must feel like to be a boyfriend and wait for your girlfriend when she's choosing something to try on in This Fashion.
I still maintained that since she mostly rearranged her hair and pulled up her jeans and straightened her top with the aid of the glass walls while i was searching, she can't really complain due to the fact she had something to do.
We read or rather she read and I kept interrupting to ask questions and make statements.
We gave up reading since I couldn't stop talking and she couldn't concentrate cos I couldn't shut myself up.
We talked and krapped a bit before she had to go meet Shameen and the others for the Muse concert.
By the time we got to City Hall, it was damn fucking packed.
Probably form everyone who was going to walk to Fort Canning from there.
I felt so small and insignificant and irked out since I'm not going.
After a couple of confusing and vague phonecalls from shameen and i think marr(whom we bumped into with nurul earlier on), it was decided that I was to escort (more of like obliged and forced to) Fadh to the LJS on NorthBridge Road.
Literally escort. And I mean escort all the way up to the door of LJS.
So she won't get lost. (according to her that is.)
After I making sure she met up wit the other Muse concert goers safely, I went home.
So that was my day.
It went okay just like the days before and hopefully the days to come.
Except of course last thursday when my beloved Romie passed away.
I miss him like fuck.
His body was already taken away to be buried then it hit me that he's really gone.
It's just that on wednesday night he was so warm and alive and extra manja with me.
Maybe that was he's way of saying goodbye since he doesn't even make a noise.
Although it's been some time, it's still what the fuck to me.

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