Thursday, November 15, 2007

can you feel it?

Can you feel it widening? that chasm between us, cracking open along the hairline cracks, clearly dividing two different worlds.
Like yin and yang only with a more sinister intent.
Cos time's never on our side and we're powerless to stop the movement of the planets, the constant motion of life.
Can you feel it?
Cos I can.
and it terrifies me.

I've learned that laughter is the best medicine.
I've learned how to laugh when you feel like crying.
I've learned how to numb your heart so you'll never feel hurt.
I've learned how fragile the ties of a friendship can be.
I've learned that it's the words left unspoken that hurts the most.
I've learned that fairytales don't happen in real life.
I've learned that when it comes down to it, you're all alone cos it's every man for himself.
I've learned that even the things that make you so happy can hurt you equally as hard.
I've learned that trust has to be earned.
I've leaned that not everything is what it seems.
I've learned that what I fear most in life is loss.

Guess I've learned a lot this year.

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