Saturday, November 24, 2007

I'll be fine, I swear

I'm still having Pahang withdrawal symptoms.
The trip to KL is coming nearer and I still haven't pack or anything of that sort.
It's gonna be last minute packing on monday. heh.

It's not that I don't want to trust.
It's just that I don't trust anyone enough as much as they deserve to be trusted.
After all the people I've trusted betrayed my trust, I find it damn hard to start trusting people again.
Especially when it comes to my feelings.
I know most of the people closest to me know this already but I still feel a need to say it out cos I don't want anyone to feel hurt or kecik hati or some thing of that sort.
It's just me.
I've got trust issues.
And although I'm going to try and open up more, I'm just saying, don't put up your hopes too high.
It's gonna take much more for me to come out from beneath the concrete layers.

So, to all my loves;
dilah,li,naz,nad,khai and everyone else,
I hope you guys be patient with me okay?
I'll try my best to start opening up but korg jgn terlalu mengharap k.
Hope you guys understand that it has nothing to do with you, it's all me and the bad experiences I've had.
Whatever it is,
I'll be fine, I swear.

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