Sunday, November 25, 2007

Till the morning light

I'm sitting here on the platform in the living room with the laptop on my lap.
I can't hear anything else except the sound of the fan whirring and amsyar's breathing as he sleeps.
I'm supposed to watch him until the elders and his mommy comes back from supper.
It's a nice feeling, this peaceful contentment.
Haven't felt like that in a long time.
Like it's just me and noone else.
It's really times like this, late in the early morning of the night (how oxymoronic.) that I really enjoy being an insomniac.
Could stay like this the whole night but unfortunately, I've got to get to school early for the KL trip briefing tomorrow.
such a bummer early in the morning.
Nevertheless, I've somehow got my motivation to study (somewhat) so I need to drag myself to school and finish up my history essays since I'm finally done with maths. :)

The whole paranoia, stressed up, I-can't-do-this feeling is starting to creep back into me.
Had another semi-argument with mum about it.
the same old thing again.
as always, she kinda missed the point and I got tired of repeating the same thing again and again so I decided to just give up and leave it and go and complain to my sister.
Who, although, watching America's Next Top Model online, still had time to listen to me rattle on about jc and poly and uni and jobs and essentially the future.
I realise I'm being quite hypocritical really.
Cos I told her, I'll fight for her case if she decides to go to poly but then I know I'll be damn disappointed if she doesn't get her ass into a JC.

I'm half disappointed that my semi-argument with my mum didn't culminate in a breakdown.
I'm in serious need of one right about now.

That's all now.
It's almost 1 in the morning.
Say goodnight stars.
Sweet dreams.

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