Wednesday, November 07, 2007

What has become of you?

I woke up this morning at 9.30 when some soul msged me and then I realised I was already supposed to be sitting in the school library by then.
Somehow even though I knew I was late and all, I drifted off to sleep again.
Woke up and lazed around until I decided to travel all the way to Yishun cos I wanted to buy a half-cardigan at the This Fashion there and well, wanted to see the whole bunch of goons for a bit.
Sadly, they ran out of stock so me, naz and li travelled all the way back to Tamp to go shopping.
We only managed to step in toys r'us before naz had to urgently rush off.
It's okay babe.
You can go shopping with me another day okay? :)
Walked around with Li and Muhaimin before heading off on my own.
Checked the stores at the interchange linkway before doubling back to go off to White Sands.
I checked every single clothing store there including my favourite shop but failed to find anything that really caught my fancy.
In in a nutshell, I sorta wasted half a day traveling near and far without actually buying

To you;
You sound like a goddamn self centered narcissistic bitch.
I'm ashamed to even admit that I'm friends with you.
I know that I'm losing whatever I have with you but even the prospect of that is not enough to convince me to meet you even for a short while before we completely lose it.
I understand there's demons in your past that taints your present and your future but even that is not a good enough excuse to act the way you do, like as though you're undomesticated.
Aren't you ever afraid that people will look at you and think "hmm..her mother never taught her any manners."
I don't know what else to say to make you realise what you're doing.
Especially the fact that just cos your life wasn't anywhere close to perfect, you really shouldn't do things that will only screw up your future as well.
Whatever it is, I hope you get to see the light and cease to be blinded anymore.
Btw, I hope you really stop using His name so callously.
I'm not saying I'm a saint.
But there's a limit to being superficial and fake and just using His name everytime it fits.

There's a lot I want to say to some people but then I realise upon reflection that it's not going to cause said people to change.
Maybe they will one day.
Sometime between Hell freezing over and Not in this lifetime.

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