Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Just the deafening silence

5 am. I'm still wide awake.
Which is strange but maybe I'm still in London time or something.
I think my internal clock's still spoiled.
Afiqah(damn is so weird saying my own name so from now onwards, she's afie.heh) and Esther's still up too. Haha. Think Charles is up as well though he keeps going offline now and then.
I wanted to post the pictures in this post but then I can't seem to upload them so I shall leave it to another day.

Hmm, lets see, I'm supposed to blog more about the trip I guess but I'm too malas to do so, so again, I'll give tiny snippets.
Anyway, I don't think any amount of words I say will do the trip justice.

Phrases I won't forget:
-London Baby! (credits to Wen Jia)
-Okay can! (credits to a certain jester named sue)
-daaaamn good (credits to Vani for making it unforgettable)
-you sucks!(credits to zul for teaching us all good english)
-tiu tiu tiu(don't ask)
-Shakes his spear (don't ask again)

Random things I won't forget:
- the Streets of London song that was afie's alarm every morning
-the rainbow at Covent Garden
-The loud Hoot by Little(not so actually) Red Riding Hoot outside Haworth YHA
-running to BK from the travel lodge sans all our winter coats that is
- the "wrestling" match we watched on tv at the travel lodge
- dancing to Rihanna's Umbrella provided kindly by Little Red Riding Hoot
- cooking on the hot plate
-zhai and zul's underwear dare during breakfast at some hostel (I can't remember which)

There's so much more which I can't really remember.
(the trip is in my mind in snippets you see)
Honestly the whole trip is filled with them, memorable moments.
moments that took my breath away, moments that crack me up.
Lovely moments for me to collect.

Travelling to UK was magical to me and I loved every single minute of it.
I've only known them for 12 days but I guess the 12 days really bonded us together.
which would explain why I kinda miss all of them.
oh well, I'll be seeing them soon when school starts.
I really hope, like what afie says in her blog, that I'll get to travel around the world with the same set of people after A's.
It'll be daaaamnn fun.

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