Saturday, December 22, 2007

Moments to remember

I was sitting right here, typing my history essay yesterday when I got a call from this strange foreign number.
At first my heart stalled when I thought for a second that it could be you.
But then when I picked up, I was pretty relieved to hear Ayah's familiar voice down the line.
I was so surprised he actually called that I kept quiet for a while.
He was like, "fiqah? kenal tk ni saper?"
silence from me. I had no idea how to reply really.
him: "ni dari malaysia ni. ayah la."
And then finally my brain woke up and I started blabbering away, asking him how's he and ibu are doing, telling him about UK, apologising for not contacting him earlier and telling him the code to call back to Singapore.
He was extremely nice and listened to me babble and reassuring me again and again that both he and ibu were perfectly fine.
He finally ended by wishing me selamat hari raya haji and asking me to send my regards to naz and zilah and fiza and lastly, telling me to take care of myself.
I think my heart almost broke at his last line cos I was so touched by his concern even though we've only met in such a short space of time.
damn. I miss him and ibu and amir and the whole kampung life there.
Gotta drag naz back there to visit one day.
How naz? up for it? :)

Anyway, here's some pics from the KL trip I went to for MLEP before I flew off for UK.
Plenty of memories and moments to remember, both sweet and bad from that trip as well.
And that's us with ibu and ayah. <3
Fishing. I actually caught a fish. haha. :)

I love this pic although nami and naz not in it.

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