Friday, December 28, 2007

Mugging. :(

I'm supposed to be studying more but I feel so erggh just looking at my maths book.
And there's still lit to do. 4 essays. dieee.
I need to get out of the freaking house and study.
I'm thinking of the airport again.
Terminal 2's viewing mall will be just about perfect.
Although it's a teeny bit depressing cos I'll be reminded of London and I still miss it a little. :(
It's really too bad that shaf won't be there to mug along with me.
I miss the old days, mugging like mad for O levels.
10 hour study sessions at a corner of the viewing mall.
Ahh, well.
Time really flies.
And soon 2008 will be upon us all.
I'm going to save the reflections and the resolutions to new year's eve.
Makes it more meaningful somehow.

The drama workshops for Duchess of Malfi was pretty fun.
My dear class abandoned me so I was left to join Sue President of Loser club and Esther, in another class from my lit loves. tsk.
Still, it was fun and I enjoyed myself.
Stanley, our instructor, went through all the acts pretty thoroughly.
He also gave some invaluable tips for our exams like how you have to also know the historical background of the texts and maybe other works written in that period or other works of the same genre so that you can do a comparison and wow the Cambridge(damn I was there!) markers.
I also learned that I must imagine the characters I'm studying as real people and feel for them the way I would for anybody, meaning to say like them with all my heart and hate them with absolute passion.
It seems, I've learned quite a lot of useful things I can apply for later on.
So I'm glad to say that the workshop wasn't a complete waste of time.

Oh crap, I'm supposed to be doing my lit essays.
Should really start.
Besides, how am I supposed to actually do my work when this is the state of my table:

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