Wednesday, December 26, 2007

So cool shit! :)

And so I was talking to sue online and this is the cool convo that we had. or rather part of it. :)

neurasthenia says:
haha..where you stay ah?
they make me smile(: says:
pasir ris! you??
neurasthenia says:
neurasthenia says:
neurasthenia says:
which part which part?!?
they make me smile(: says:
you stay at pasir ris too???!?!!!!!!
they make me smile(: says:
i stay near ikea
they make me smile(: says:
near mjc
they make me smile(: says:
beside meridian pri
neurasthenia says: wonder you go to pasir ris crest.. i stay near there.. haha
neurasthenia says:
cool shit!!!
they make me smile(: says:
really???!!! hahha(((:
neurasthenia says:
then how you normally go to school???
they make me smile(: says:
my dad send me to sch
they make me smile(: says:
neurasthenia says: wonder..then when you go home?? 161 or 168??
they make me smile(: says:
they make me smile(: says:
they make me smile(: says:
i can take 161 too
neurasthenia says:
161. then i take 89...haha.. i can take 168 la actually...then drop at tamp and take 3 but leceh ah..long winded
neurasthenia says:
they make me smile(: says:
i can take 161 thn 89 too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
neurasthenia says:
cool sia! we can like go home together.. HAHA
they make me smile(: says:
omg!! yes, we can go home together!!
neurasthenia says:
neurasthenia says:
cool shit!
neurasthenia says:

So then we're both super excited about going home together. then...

neurasthenia says:
then on thurs, your dad sending??
they make me smile(: says:
nope nope, i dont think so
neurasthenia says:
HAHA..take 161 with me la!
they make me smile(: says:
so we go sch together???!!!!
they make me smile(: says:
neurasthenia says:
neurasthenia says:
cool shit!
neurasthenia says:
thanks sue! you made my day.
they make me smile(: says:
they make me smile(: says:
you made my day toooo!!!
they make me smile(: says:
okay, im smiling like an idiot right now
neurasthenia says:
HAHA.. join the smiling-like-an-idiot-club

You can tell from the convo that we're both damn EXCITED to go to school together and maybe go home together too.
Now I actually have something to look forward to on the 27th.
:) :) :)
Thanks sue! you made my day darl.
and see you on the thursday!!

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