Tuesday, December 18, 2007

London Baby! - direct quotation from Teo Wen Jia. :)

And so I just got back from a wonderful trip to the UK.
I'm not going to blog about it in detail until I get all the pics uploaded so this post will just be about the moments that I remember most about the 12 day trip.

What I remember most is;
the long 14 hour plane ride,
the first gust of winter wind on my face,
my first glimpse of the London Eye,
touring around Shakespeare's Globe Theatre,
seeing a rainbow in London at Covent Garden,
dinner at a real English Pub(grilled fish and potato.again),
going about London in the Tube,
platform 9 and 3/4 at King's Cross,
stepping into the house where Shakespeare was born, centuries before,
writing Gothic stories at Stratford,
visiting a real castle at Skipton,
stepping into the house of the Bronte sisters,
frost on the blades of grass early in the morning,
instant and cup noodle parties at the youth hostels,
monopoly on the last night at Cambridge,
and mostly,
the wonderful friends I’ve made over the course of the whole trip,
The girls: Afiqah(yeah she has the exact same name as me),Wenjia,Joey,Esther,Suehaila,Rekha,Syuhrah,Pei Bao and Vani whom I already know.
And the guys: Zul,Khai,Amin,Zhai,Charles
And the rest who followed as well.

On a sidenote, I went totally crazy and bought 18 books in total. The prices were so cheap compared to Singapore that I couldn't bring myself to resist.

And so that's the complete works of William Shakespeare, 4 Jodi Picoult novels,Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights, P.S. I Love You, The Time Traveler's Wife, The Memory Keeper's Daughter, Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre, Frankenstein, The Life of Pi, The Other Side of You, The Scarlet Letters, Moby Dick, the complete collection of Shakespeare's sonnets and also a book on his quotations.

Yes. call me crazy. :)

To end off, I’ll place here the piece I wrote for ms yap’s creative writing assignment about the whole trip.

We first arrived under cover of drizzling rain
Newly born, from the stomach of a jet plane
In a big coach, we traveled by
Through winding streets, past London’s guarding Eye
We toured around Shakespeare’s famed Globe
And learnt about his dreams and his hope
Then we took the Tube for a Literature trail
And found magic on King’s Cross station’s tail
That night we got swallowed by another plane
Boeing Boeing, watching it was not in vain
In Oxford, we explored realms of fantasy
Intricate worlds and heroes fulfilling their destiny
In Bath, we stepped where the Romans had their bath
And shopped at the Christmas Fair which sells lots of stuff
In Stratford, we saw where the Bard took his first breaths
Noughts and Crosses taught us prejudice can cause innocent deaths
In Haworth, the Brontes entered the diary of our lives
Along with the lovers of Skipton castle whose eternal love still strives
In York, we admired the goodness of a Machevil
And traced York’s ghosts, messengers of the Devil
In Cambridge, where Newton’s blessed apple fell
We heard the sweet chiming of their church bell
And now, back to Heathrow our bus heads
For a last night’s dream on hostel beds
And soon we will arrive back home
And leave behind this great country, that was for 12 days our home.

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