Monday, August 07, 2006

Band aid covers the bullet hole

Life is simple. It's us who make it complicated.
Just like how i was scared to talk to you and make the first move because i thought you hated me.
and somehow, you thought the same thing too.
silly huh?
and that was why it dragged on so long, battering and sapping all the energy out from both you and me.
"You're not the only one battered in this."
it felt good being with you.
like nothing ever happened.
nothing to signal that forever was only up until the point i walked away.
As i'm typing this, i'm smiling.
it felt good to hear someone especially you calling me fee again.
you know, i can't remember the last time we hugged.
cos the fact is, you never bother to remember the last time because you always take it for granted that there's gonna be other times.
but we all fail to realise that in life, nothing last forever and you can never ever take anything for granted. because you may never know when it's gonna be taken away from you.
Its the little things i guess that acts as a band aid and cover the bullet hole.
both for you and me.

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