Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Chasing cars just to waste time

Goodness. People around me are breaking down left right and centre
I think it's the exams.
Had a long talk with one of them just now (i'm not going to mention who so she won't get embarassed)
and the things she told me about what they did to her made me cry.
actually, wat she told me made me cry.
leave. leaving. left.
And i just kinda realised that i'm pretty good at reading people.
the benefits of being a pure lit student?
it's come in very handy.
i'd rather like to think i'm an empath?
i mean not to boast or anything but sometimes it amazes even me when random strangers that i hardly talk to come up to me and pour their heart out.
now don't get me wrong, i really don't mind. i love listening and my own experiences with the counsellor has thought me how to read in between the lines and think positively and be glass half-full.
and now,that's truly important in life.
maybe counselling isn't such a bad path to choose after all.
am talking to my darling shasha now.
she's feeding me a lot of insights to being an 18 year old. wait. or is it 19?
god, some friend i am not even knowing her age
and damn she said i should have sent in that story i wrote.
about it.
she insists that i would have made it quite far.
oh well, i might just try sending it in just for the sake of it.
no harm right?
hey. guess what.
I'm thinking of you.
Goodnight world. and always remember there's always a star in you.

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