Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Looking out the window

As I'm sitting here typing this, my muscles are aching like mad.
the effects of napha. thank god it's almost over.
i only have to retake 2.4 and standing broad jump.
today was a very dreary day.
skipped school again but not on purpose.
something happened that i'd just rather not talk about.
Sent Kiara for her vaccination just now.
it amazes me how pets even have their own hospital and all that.
Kinda cool come to think about it.
The operation room was bitterly cold and goddamn sterile.
it just gives you a very foreboding feeling.
just goes to show that once you see someone dying on an operating table, you'll never ever forget it.
moving on, have you ever gotten that feeling like you're watching the world through someone else's eyes?
its this odd feeling of detachment and oddly mixed with a twinge of pain.
it's like looking out a window but you can't see anything distinct.
i hate getting that feeling.
it always hits when i least expect it. especially when i let my guard down.
especially when i'm thinking of past memories and reflect on all the people i've ever met.
hmm, wonder why.
maybe god is trying to tell me something?
i honestly have no idea.
oh yeah, i got a message from abg wan.
something about mars being the brightest in the sky or something or that sort.
supposedly, at 12.30 am on the 27th of august, mars will be the closest ever to earth that it'll be like the earth having 2 moons.
and supposedly the next time mars ever gets that close is in 2287.
so i guess we'll just see if that happens on the 27th.
A question, if someone from your past that you'd rather forget gets himself landed in the hospital, would you go visit him?
even if you know it'll bring back painful memories and reopen healed wounds?
that's the question i'm currently asking myself about you.
have no idea why in the world your brother called me when he easily could have called a thousand other people.
somehow i can't help marvelling at your stupidity. go and get yourself beaten up again.
it's just so typical of you.
always one to court danger, take risks.
whenever are you going to learn your lesson?
i hope you do.
all i can do for you is just wish you all the best and have a speedy recovery.
if i do visit you which there's a very slim chance i will, don't expect me to kiss you like i used to and heal all your wounds and mop up your blood or something like that.
those days are over.
i've moved on and apparently so have you.
oh yes before i forget, i'm about done with tolerating your nonsense.
aren't you happy now that you've got your dearest best friend back again?
that you two are now the bestest of friends?
i still remember how you used to go on and on and on about her.
it's like never-ending.
day in and out, i and a hell lot of other people had to bear with all the hatred you poured out like a waterfall that will never cease.
but now, wow, you rush to her defence like a mother cat protecting her kittens.
why am i not surprised?
you know like the malay saying "kacang lupakan kulit"
you are really something that same saying can be truly proud of.
so much for all the rubbish you uttered.
oh well, for people like you, i've got absolutely no problem in letting you go.
people like you can be found everywhere. after all, the world is never short of hypocrites.
and unfortunately, you just happen to the the crux of hypocrisy.
it's okay. i know for a fact that none day, you'll get yours.
karma darling.
what goes around comes around.

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