Sunday, August 27, 2006

To be a kid again

Heh. More hate tags.
Oh well, i'm thankful cos it shows that at least people bother to pay attention and actually take the time to react.
Weird. people will always be people.
honestly, i'm not fussed. universal popularity ain't everything and i know that i can't possibly please everyone.
But i know that all those who know me know that i'm generally like that and i say shit like that .
So i'm really not going to bother anymore.
Tag all you want.
It's YOUR own time you're wasting not mine.
And besides, i know dearest shasha is incredibly happy to have some subjects to test her prowess on.
So shasha, go ahead man, go flood my tagboard since it's "addictive" right?? lolz.
Moving on from ridiculously silly tagboard wars,
i went out with shaf just now to study ss since prelims officially start tomorrow.
plonked (love that word for some strange reason) ourselves at the macs at tamp.
And we didn't even open our books.
I was busy reading chicken soup and she was busy wasting my iPod battery and doodling.
We were like "let's study at 3."
3 became 3.30 and in the end, we just gave up.
And so we went off to town to just walk around.
I brought her to Takashimaya's 4th level to that adorable toy shop that smells of ikea according to her.
and we laughed ourselves silly playing with the games and stuffed animals there.
it was fun.
sometimes, i think it's all worth it just to be a kid again to get to experience that kinda of pure fun in the simplest of things.
So yeah, we walked around other parts of town for a bit then headed off home.
And i spent the next hour or so cramming stuff into my already crammed brain.
boy, i am going to be so glad when the big O's are over.
And somehow, i'm beginning to get the feeling that maybe, english teacher isn't the only book i'll be burning at the end of the year.

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